广州-南沙区 民营-综合行业 150-500人
简介 职位 (8)
简介 职位 (8)
“海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞” 企业简介: LANDY蓝尔迪成立于2000年,创始人为杜新科。公司总部位于***自贸区广州南沙,是一家集研发、生产、销售、服务于一体的企业,拥有1.6万平米的广州工厂,及4.2万平米的阳江分厂。 LANDY蓝尔迪通过了ISO9001(2015)质量管理体系认证;ISO14001环境管理体系认证;被评为高新技术企业;拥有独立的研发团队,自主研发并掌握了行业内前沿核心技术,已获得专利16项。 LANDY蓝尔迪拥有自主运营品牌“LANDY”,产品已通过CE、AWTA、ASTM、SGS、CQC、CNAS、IQNET等专业认证。本着“以质量为核心,以客户满意为宗旨”的质量方针,竭诚为广大客户提供优质的产品和服务,并形成了一流的服务及管理体系。 LANDY蓝尔迪坚持诚信办企业,凭借精湛的工艺、诚实守信的经营理念,多年来深受广大顾客的支持和信赖,在所涉及的领域,已占据国内外大部分的市场份额,产品远销全球50多个国家和地区。 自成立以来,LANDY蓝尔迪获得一系列会员单位和荣耀称号,在国内或海外均享有较高的知名度和美誉度。LANDY蓝尔迪一直以“学习、创新、诚信、奉献”为企业精神,致力于铸精品、创品牌,打造一流品牌,树立行业标杆。欢迎各界朋友参观指导、洽谈合作,共铸辉煌! 公司地址: 广州蓝尔迪:广州市南沙区东涌镇石排段市南路215号。 阳江蓝尔迪:阳江市江城区银岭科技产业园B区13号。 邮箱:landy@landy360.com Landy (Guangzhou) Plastic Products Co., Ltd. was founded in 2000 by Mr. Xinke Du, with its headquarter located in Nansha, Guangzhou, a national-level free trade zone. It is an industral corporation focus in researching and developing, production, sales and service. It owns two factories, one 16,000-square-meter factory in Guangzhou and the other 42,000-square-meter branch factory in Yangjiang city, Guangdong Province. Landy has got the quality management system certification of ISO9001 (2015) and environmental management system certification of ISO14001. It was rated as high-tech enterprises. With independent R & D team, Landy has mastered the industry's core technology and has obtained 16 patents . Landy has its own brand “LANDY” and its products have passed CE, AWTA, ASTM, SGS, CQC, CNAS, IQNET and other professional certifications. With the standard of "quality is the core, customer satisfaction is the purpose", Landy is doing its best to provide high-quality products and services to its valued customers. A first-class service and management system is formed gradually in Landy now. LANDY adheres to the integrity management. With superb technology, honest and trustworthy business philosophy, Landy has got support and trust from our customers over the years. Landy has occupied most of the domestic and foreign markets. Products are exported to more than 50 countries and regions all around the world. Landy has won a series of member units and honorary titles, and enjoys high popularity and reputation both domestically and overseas. In an aim of “learning, innovation, integrity, dedication" , Landy is committed to casting quality, building first-class brand, and work hard to be the industry benchmark. Landy sincerely welcome friends from all fields to visit us and and cooperate with us to achieve a brilliant future! Address: No. 215, Shinan Road, Shipai Section, Dongchong Town, Nansha District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China NO. 13, Area B, Yinling Technology Industrial Park, Jiangcheng Dist, Yangjiang, Guangdong, China 蓝尔迪企业文化 愿景:让蓝尔迪成为客户信赖的百年品牌 使命:以中华优秀传统文化为基石打造中国匠心生产力,在成就蓝尔迪全员幸福人生的同时,为客户创造核心价值。 经营理念:人人都是经营者 价值观:诚信精进 担当高效 包容务实 阳光和谐