上海-松江区 外商独资-综合行业 150-500人
简介 职位 (9)
简介 职位 (9)
上海同致汽车配件有限公司是一家专注于汽车售后市场的零部件渠道分销商与服务商。 公司成立于1998年,经营数年后于2012年底同致实业有限公司被海外Sourcemost International Co.,LTD.收购。并全资投资成立上海同致汽车配件有限公司。 上海同致汽车配件有限公司公司总部位于上海闵行区维璟中心商务区。在德国、美国、澳洲设有分支机构,仓储总面积25,000平方米。公司业务的市场区域包括大中华地区以及海外出口市场。 在中国市场,同致是众多国际汽车零部件品牌的重要核心合作伙伴。在海外市场,长期合作的客户遍及欧洲,北美,中东,南非,东南亚以及大洋洲。公司的服务车型涵盖乘用车与商用车,产品范围包括原厂零件,OEM零件与售后品牌件,其中以奔驰,宝马,奥迪,大众,路虎和保时捷等欧洲车系零部件为核心业务。在过去的十余年间,凭借丰富的产品线和专业的服务,同致在业界树立了良好的口碑,成功的建立并保持了领先者的地位。 未来,伴随着中国汽车售后市场蓬勃发展的黄金历史机遇,同致人仍将不断进取,为客户提供优质的产品和服务,为员工提供广阔的职业发展,并履行应有的社会责任,共创双赢。 Shanghai Tonzie Auto Parts Co., Ltd. is focused on the automotive aftermarket as a distributor and service provider of auto parts. Tonzie was originally founded in 1998, had achieved significant and prominent growth during 14 years operation, merged by the foreign capital Sourcemost International Co., LTD in 2012. In the same year, officially renamed Shanghai Tonzie Auto Parts Co., Ltd. The headquarter of Shanghai Tonzie Auto Parts Co., Ltd is located in Westlink centre, Minhang District, Shanghai, China. And we also have branches in Germany, USA and Australia, with warehouse coverage of over 25000 m2. Our business and sales network covers throughout the region of Greater China and exporting worldwide. In the Chinese market, Tonzie is a core partner of many international auto part makers. Our overseas customers are scattered throughout Europe, North America, the Middle East, South Africa, Southeast Asia and Oceania. Tonzie’s products range from OE and OEM parts to quality aftermarket replacement parts for both passenger cars and commercial vehicles. Our core business lies in European cars such as Benz, BMW, Audi, Volkswagen, Land Rover, Porsche etc.