四川-成都 民营-综合行业
简介 职位 (5)
简介 职位 (5)
成都长城开发科技有限公司(以下简称“深科技成都”)于2016年在四川省成都市正式成立,是深圳长城开发科技股份有限公司(以下简称“深科技”, 证券代码:000021)的控股子公司,其前身为深科技1995年成立的网络研究所。深科技成都专注于能源管理的持续创新,致力于提供可靠的、有竞争力的解决方案和服务,为客户和社会创造更多价值! Shenzhen Kaifa Technology (Chengdu) Co.,Ltd. (Kaifa Metering) was established in Chengdu, Sichuan province in 2016. It is the holding subsidiary of Shenzhen Kaifa Technology Co.,Ltd.( Stock Code: 000021), which is one of the public company of CEC group. The predecessor of Kaifa Metering was the Metering R&D Center since 1995. Kaifa Metering continues to focus on the sustainable innovation in energy management, and to provide reliable & competitive solutions and services to create more value for customers and society. 本着开拓创新、协作共赢、诚信务实、智联全球的价值理念,深科技成都为客户提供智能水、电、气、热等能源计量及管理系统的全套解决方案和配套服务,至今已有逾20年的自主研发经验,累计获得百余项专利成果及国际标准认证。多年来,公司培养了一支稳定的,掌握多国语言、熟悉国际标准、具有国际业务经验的专业人才团队。为了更好地拓展业务及服务客户,深科技成都在英国、荷兰、德国、韩国、泰国、深圳、香港等国家和地区设立了分支机构。 Based on the values of Innovation, collaboration, Integrity, Intelligence, Kaifa Metering is committed to providing customers with complete sets of solutions and supporting services of Electricity Meter, Water Meter, Gas Meter and Heat Meter and has more than 20 years’ experience of independent R&D. Kaifa Metering also has accumulatively obtained more than 100 patents and international standardized certificates. Kaifa Metering has hundreds of professional specialists mastering multinational languages with abundant international business experience. In order to better develop business and serve customers, Kaifa Metering has set up branches in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, South Korea, Thailand, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and other countries and regions. 作为最早将“中国设计”和“中国制造”输入欧洲的智能计量企业,深科技成都是中国唯一一家在欧洲大批量部署智能电表,并参与欧洲多个大型AMI项目的公司,已累计向欧洲出口逾4000万只智能电表,在载波通讯、无线通讯技术方面均达到了国际先进技术水平。自2002年起,深科技成都向全球24个国家、60多个电力公司交付逾6000万只智能表计产品,积累了丰富的设计、集成、品质控制、供应链管理及现场交付经验,其自主设计的产品也在现场经历了整个寿命周期的批量考验。 As the first smart metering enterprise that exports smart meter that “Designed and Made in China", Kaifa Metering is the only company in China that has deployed large-scale smart meters and participated in major AMI projects in Europe and has delivered more than 33 million smart meters to Europe. Besides, Kaifa Metering has reached international sophisticated criteria in terms of PLC and wireless communication. Since 2002, Kaifa Metering has delivered over 54 million smart meters to more than 60 utilities in 24 countries around the world, accumulating rich experience in design, integration, quality control, supply chain management and on-site delivery. Its self-designed products have also passed the batch tests throughout the entire life cycle on site. 深科技成都在2002年即开始推广6-Sigma方法进行全面管理,同时配备了国际标准实验室进行物料与产品的可靠性测试与验证。公司秉承通过不断改善产品质量以提升客户满意度的品质理念,持续投入智能制造管理系统,为批量生产提供了效率高、可靠性强、可追溯性强的系统保障。得益于对“品质”、“技术”、“服务”的多年积累与坚持,深科技成都赢得了广泛的国际声誉和客户信赖。 Kaifa Metering has begun to promote the 6-Sigma to manage R&D and manufacturing since 2002. It is also equipped with an international standard laboratory to assist R&D and manufacturing teams to complete reliability testing and verification on components and products. The company upholds the concept of continuously improving product quality to enhance customer satisfaction, and continues to invest in intelligent manufacturing management systems in order to provide high-efficiency, reliable, and traceable system guarantee for mass production. Through years of accumulation and perseverance in "quality", "technology" and "service", Kaifa Metering has won marvelous international reputation and customer trust. 未来,深科技成都将向着“创新让生活更美好”的美好愿景不断迈进。 In the future, Kaifa Metering will continue to move towards a better vision of “Innovation Brings a Better Life”.