苏州-吴中区 中外合资-其他 150-500人
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壹启新能源科技(苏州)有限公司是全球知名的高性能光伏产品制造商,专注于光伏逆变器,储能逆变器及一体机,离网逆变器,充电桩,智能光储充一体化系统产品,智能云平台等新能源产品的研发与生产。公司销售区域遍布全球 20 多个主要国家和地区,全球范围内拥有 500 多个合作伙伴。 壹启新能源始终致力于产品质量和转换效率的持续提升,不断加强新型技术的研发、生产工艺的改进和服务水平的提升,凭借全球领先的中德研发团队的卓越技术优势和先进的工艺制造水平,在产品适应性、稳定性、能效性和监控的便利性等方面都取得了巨大的创新和突破。 公司非常注重研发团队的投入和发展,持续吸纳国际***研发人才的同时与国际化高校建立校企研发合作,实现产学研结合带来的互惠共赢。 壹启新能源秉承着零故障,零损耗,零差评的服务理念,满怀“用逆变之光,照亮每一个家庭”的美好愿景,不忘初心,砥砺前行,为实现全球碳中和的宏伟目标而不懈努力。 Each Energy Technology (Suzhou) Co. Ltd. ("Each Energy") ?is the world's most trustworthy inverter brand with products installed in more than 20 countries worldwide.? Established by an expert team with over 10 years experience, by integrating global leading engineering in the research and development department, Each Energy has made a breakthrough in terms of solar inverters’ compatibility, stability, efficiency and monitoring.? Each Energy constantly invests in R&D to provide the most innovative products and improve existing ones. Offering only the leading product features currently available, Each Energy is committed to brightening the lives of each family around the world with renewable energy and contributing to global carbon neutral enterprise.