佛山-三水区 中外合资-其他 150-500人
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简介 职位 (6)
关于保威: 广东保威新能源有限公司总部位于中国广东,旗下有全资控股的广东中光能投资有限公司、佛山市华盛合新能源投资有限公司、中山创恒新能源有限公司等,并在日本、南非、巴基斯坦、阿联酋设有分公司。作为一家拥有电力总承包三级资质的电站承建商,保威持续秉承创新的设计理念和运营思路,致力于为全球太阳能光伏电站提供经济安全的解决方案和全方位的建设服务,业务范畴包括电气设计,结构设计,产品供应,施工安装以及运营维护。目前,保威已为全球超过22个国家和地区的太阳能电站提供超过1.2GW的产品和电站施工服务,并与国内外诸多知名光伏企业建立长期合作的战略合作伙伴关系,成为电站建设的信心品牌。 更多信息请浏览公司官网。 工作时间5天8小时,工作地:广东佛山三水工业园区D区11号 About Powerway: Powerway Renewable Energy Co. Ltd is located in Guangdong Province, China, with subsidiary companies in Japan ,South Africa, Pakistan and UAE. As a professional solar farm builder with a certificate of electrical power contracting level 3, Powerway always endeavors to provide innovative design and deliver world class operation. Committed to providing reliable and cost effective solutions and a full range of construction services to the global PV power plant market. Our core business functions includes electrical design, structural design, product supply, services of construction, installation, operation and maintenance. To date, Powerway have provided more than 1.2GW of solar power products and construction services in over 22 countries and regions. Additionally, Powerway has established long-term strategic cooperation partnerships with many well-known PV enterprises all around the world. Powerway are a trustworthy brand in the photovoltaic field. For more information, please check the website . 我们将以海纳百川的胸襟,广纳各路贤才;我们真诚期待着不断追求卓越的才俊们加盟这一充满朝气的团队,携手共同缔造保威时代! 未经书面授权,不得转载使用我司招聘信息。 面试注意事项: 1、带齐相关证件(身份证、毕业证、其他资格证书等),可以先带复印件; 2、投递简历时,看清上班地址(三水乐平),再投递。 3、合则约见。