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关于广东森博科瑞莱空气制冷有限公司/About Guangdong Symphony Keruilai Air Coolers Co. Ltd. 森博科瑞莱作为森博集团的一部分,应用其蒸发冷却领域的先进知识和丰富经验,以绿色的降温节能解决方案,为客户改善空气质量及提供舒适环境。 GSK as a part of Symphony Limited, with its advanced technology and professional knowledge and vast experience in evaporative cooling industry, GSK provides green and energy-saving cooling solutions to improve air quality and comfort environment for customers. 科瑞莱品牌蒸发式冷气机采用性能卓越的“湿帘”作为核心部件,使流经的空气与湿润的湿帘***范围充分接触,从而带走空气中的热量,输出凉爽清风,达到高效降温、换气、除尘和输送新鲜空气的目的。公司产品已在全球广泛应用于工业、公共事业、及商业领域。 Keruilai brand evaporative Air Cooler products adopt high-quality. Evaporative Cooling Pad as the core component, so the air flowing through can contact with the Evaporative Cooling Pad to the maximum Extent, and absorb the heat from the air, achieving high-efficiency cooling, ventilation, dust removal and fresh air conveyance; compared with the air conditioners using refrigeration compressors under the same conditions, Keruilai Evaporative Air coolers can save 80% of energy. Also, these evaporative air coolers are very much environment friendly, and, provide cool, fresh and filtered air. Keruilai brand Evaporative Air Cooler products are suitable for indoor, outdoor, and semi-opened multiple environments and have been world-widely used in industry, public and spot areas. 森博科瑞莱拥有“科瑞莱”品牌的商标及相关的知识产权。 GSK owns the “Keruilai” brand and all relevant intellectual property. 企业愿景/Our Vision Superior Customer-Oriented Cooler Company 成为卓越的、以客户为中心的蒸发式冷气机供货商 公司发展事实数据/Facts and Figures 以中国为中心的销售和服务网络,辐射全球 The sales and service network within China as the center has been radiated to the countries and regions all over the world. 工厂和研发中心位于中国广东省东莞市,占地总面积约1.5万平方米. The manufacturing base is located in Dongguan City, Guangdong province, China covering a total area of about 15,000 square meters. 国内***拥有国家批准的研发中心和“对蒸发式冷气机(扇)整机制冷量、功率、能效比、蒸发量等性能进行测试”大型综合性实验室的企业。 It has an exclusive and a large-scale government approved R&D center and comprehensive testing laboratory which can test the overall refrigerating capacity, Power ,energy-efficiency ratio, evaporation and other performances of evaporative air coolers(fans). 截至目前,全球安装总量已超过40万台的工业用冷风机和数百万的家用冷风机。 Total installed unites globally has exceeded 400,000 industrial air coolers and several millions of household air coolers. 里程碑/Milestone 2001年,公司成立 2001 –Year of Establishment of Keruilai 2002年,与国内外知名院校进行产、学、研合作,改进湿帘降温系统、研发系列蒸发式冷气机并成功实现了产业化,奠定行业领军者地位,以其卓越的环保性能,被认定为“绿色之星产品”。 2002 - The first Evaporative Air Cooler Brand in China to meet the technology evaluation requirement of “Green Star Product” 2003年,通过ISO9001:2000质量管理体系认证 2003 – Passed ISO9001: 2000 Quality Management System 2006年,首次通过欧盟CE认证,正式进军欧洲市场 2006 – Obtained the first CE Certification (Mandatory EU Certification) to enter Europe market 2008年,获得“广东省名牌产品”称号并被评为广东省著名商标 2008- Obtained “The famous Brand Products in Guangdong”, and got the honor of famous trademark in Guangdong province. 2009年,政府相关领导到科瑞莱考察指导 2009 – Government Officials visited Keruilai 2011年,瑞典蒙特集团(Munters)与科瑞莱合作,将欧洲先进的技术引入科瑞莱 2011 – Munters from Sweden acquires Keruilai, and introduced the European technology 2013年,被评为“全国质量诚信倡议先进企业” 2013 - Awarded “National Advanced Enterprise of Quality Integrity Initiative” 2013年,全球安装总量35万台蒸发式工业冷风机 2014- Installed over 350,000 evaporative industrial air coolers globally by 2014 2015年,已获授权的自主专利技术成果累积达50余项 2015 - Authorized over 50 independent technological patents by 2015 2015年,成为全世界***蒸发式冷气机制造商森博集团的成员 2015 - The world leader in evaporative air coolers, Symphony Limited, acquires Keruilai 公司福利: 1.五天八小时工作制,按照劳动法计算加班; 2.所有员工购买社保保险、住房公积金及商业险; 3.免费提供食宿、就餐,工厂环境优美。 4.提供完善的假期制度,员工享有国家法定假、婚假、产假、陪产假、哺乳假、年假、病假; 5.定期组织丰富多彩的员工活动。 公司地址: 洪梅工厂:广东省东莞市洪梅镇台盈工业区 投递简历邮箱地址: rose.xu@symphonylimited.com 请面试者带上简历和身份证等相关证件。