杭州-拱墅区 民营-其他 50-150人
简介 职位 (7)
简介 职位 (7)
朗晟橡塑是一家集橡胶塑料原料,软管,软管总成,卷管器及注塑五金产品为一体的全产业链制造企业,拥有十多年研发、生产及销售经验,销售额以每年30%的幅度递增。 公司每年投入利润的30%用以产品研发及技术改进,并通过ISO9001/TS16949质量管理体系认证;拥有50余台产品检测设备,依据欧美标准对产品实施24小时监控,并由中国太平保险承保。 产品销往国内外20多个国家,现已成为众泰,江淮,奇瑞汽车,中国一建,陕西铁路局,陕煤集团,长庆油田,大庆油田,山西矿务局,水务局,徐工集团,大中型造船厂等众多国内大型企业供应商。并于沃尔玛、盖茨、史丹利、得伟、锐齐,日立,马牌,林肯,嘉丁拿,NAPA等企业达成长期战略合作。 公司计划5年内在全球20多个国家实现自有品牌部署,并不断追求客户满意百分百,为客户提供定制化,节约型,高效率产品;打造一个技术研发,专业产品供应的国际型品牌企业。 Lanboom is a 18-year experienced company in rubber & plastic raw materials, related extrude & injection products manufacturing, developing and marketing. Lanboom has been investing 30% of annual profit for product research and development. We have passed ISO9001 and TS16949 quality control system, with more than 60 test equipments of 24-hour monitoring as the ISO/ASTM standards. All products have been insured by China Taiping , and Lanboom products are sold to more than 20 countries across America and Europe. We will constantly pursuit customer first principle and provide customize products.