苏州-相城区 民营-其他 500人以上
简介 职位 (5)
简介 职位 (5)
博能于1992年蹒跚起步,历经艰苦创业、自主创新,博能人以矢志不渝的发展精神、形成了以博能传动(苏州)有限公司为总部,拥有温州齿轮制造基地、长沙、天津、开封、潍坊组装工厂,美国和印度销售分公司,在全球设有60家销售及服务网点,已发展成为技术领先的全球化专业传动产品制造商。 博能以高度模块化、差异化、适应性的设计理念,提供系列齐全的驱动器、马达、齿轮马达、齿轮箱产品。 博能以本地化生产和近地化服务理念,依靠全球统一的供应链及制造标准、充裕的库存保证快速的交货能力和及时的售后服务。 博能以市场为导向,通过对研发的高投入来保证产品的持续升级和创新,以完善的传动解决方案积极服务于港口、采矿、电力、有色、化工、石油、环保、造纸、钢铁、金属加工、建筑建材、橡胶塑料、智能制造、机床、医疗、电子制造设备、纺织、食品饮料、电商物流、机场分拣、舞台、游艺等各个领域,为客户创造价值。 团队协作、务实进取是我们的工作氛围,我们以稳健的财务策略保证企业持续发展,并以此为员工提供广阔的发展空间。 Boneng was founded in 1992 with a single location and a dedicated team. With innovation and hard work, Boneng has grown quickly into an industry leader. With headquarters now in Suzhou, Boneng Transmission (Suzhou) Co. Ltd also has a manufacturing plant in Wenzhou along with assembly plants in Changsha, Tianjin and Kaifeng, and is going to set up the abroad assembly plants. Boneng is earning their place as a global supplier of gearbox and transmission products. With a host of model types and arrangements, Boneng can offer customers a wide range of sizes and series gearbox, geared motor, motor and frequency converter which are under developing to fit nearly any application. A modular design allows for a wider range of easy-to-stock (and design) array of products. In addition, Boneng has the capability to do cost effective custom units for any industry. Recognized internationally for high quality products, Boneng service to their customers is their top priority. Evidence of Boneng’s commitment to customer service is in the dedication of warehouse space for stocking parts ready to deliver. As a leader in technology, professional industrial solution and rich industrial achievement, Boneng products can be widely found in the Mining, Chemical and Environmental, Metal Processing, Construction, light industry, food and beverage, textile, agriculture and leisure and amusement industries. Boneng is fulfilling the society requirements and moving the society. Teamwork and innovation create a great work environment that is important to Boneng. The stability of our company allows for constant investment back into the business and into product development to remain the reliable resource and supplier our customers deserve.