北京-朝阳区 民营-其他 50人以下
简介 职位 (5)
简介 职位 (5)
北京天马世纪文化传媒有限公司成立于2014年,是一家专业从事影视内容版权整合运营公司,主营业务包括影视节目引进与发行、国产内容海外发行。 公司发行渠道广,资源整合能力强,与各院线发行公司、视频平台、数字电视平台、电视台都有长期稳定的合作。经过多年积累,已从海外购买数千小时内容版权并在国内成功发行,已引进多部海外电影在国内院线上映,并拥有成熟的国产内容海外发行业务及渠道。 公司愿和海内外合作伙伴共同努力,投身文化产业发展,致力于中国影视行业的美好未来。 Teamer International Media Co. Limited is a Beijing-based international distribution and sales company founded in 2014, specializing in domestic distribution of foreign contents (feature films, animated movies, TV series, 4K documentaries etc.) and overseas distribution of Chinese contents. Representing a library of thousands of hours of various contents, Teamer establishes a long-term and optimistic cooperation with Chinese local theatrical distributors, cinema groups, VOD&IPTV platforms and TV channels, successfully licensed various foreign contents all across China. Teamer has theatrically released several foreign feature films in China and also possesses ripe experience in overseas distribution. With an open and liberal attitude to join hands with all the professional friends from poles to poles, Teamer endeavors to be a part of Chinese film industry’s development journey.