上海-浦东新区 民营-其他 150-500人
简介 职位 (3)
简介 职位 (3)
添悦实业(上海)有限公司,成立于2010年,坐落于上海市浦东新区。 公司旗下PVC稳定剂化工厂成立于1992年,PVC地板彩膜厂成立于2015年,PVC百叶窗帘工厂成立于2018年。工厂分别设立生上海南汇和江苏溧阳,拥有近300名员工: 作为集团公司的上海总部及营销中心,添悦实业主要负责工各类产品的出口及国内销售业务。 添悦实业诚挚邀请您的加入,期待与您共创辉煌! Tianyue Industry (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., founded in 2010, is located in Pudong New Area, Shanghai. The company's PVC stabilizer plant was founded in 1992, PVC floor film plant was founded in 2015, PVC blinds and curtains plant was founded in 2018.The factories are respectively set up in Shanghai Nanhui and Jiangsu Liyang, with nearly 300 employees. As the Shanghai headquarters and marketing center of the group, Tianyue Industry is mainly responsible for the export and domestic sales of various products. Tianyue Industry sincerely invites you to join us and looks forward to creating brilliant with you!