深圳-龙华区 民营-其他 150-500人
简介 职位 (5)
简介 职位 (5)
深圳市金豪彩色印刷有限公司.是一家占地面积2万多平米的大型规模的独立印刷厂区,共有员工500余名,拥有众多国外先进的设备,为客户提供优质、快捷的印刷服务.是深圳专业印刷国外书刊、精装楼书、儿童读物、高档摄影集画册、时尚杂志期刊、精美手提袋、黄页、宣传册等印刷品的***厂家之一。 金豪集团下属有工厂与贸易,工贸一体化的管理模式,有利国际市场的拓展与开发,具有市场竞争力,2015年有全球8场国际书展参加,在澳洲,美国,意大利,西班牙都设立了分公司,输送人才前往国际办事处担当区域经理一职,在职股权制,优厚的薪水待遇是行业中前所未有的薪酬机制,是人才的***选择。 Shenzhen Jinhao Color Printing Co., Ltd is a solely HK-owned enterprise, which had started their business in Shenzhen since 1989. And our company possesses of three factories, total about 30000 square meters of lone Garden-style workshop now. Our company started our foreign business on 1999, through 10 years’ development, we had built business relationship with many countries, such as USA, Australia,UK, Canada,Ireland, German, Italy, Spain, South Africa and so on, and our company have good reputation all over the world. Our company had imported the most advanced printing machines such as German Heidelberg and Japan Komori and MITSUBISHI which can professionally print high-class books, brochures, magazines, children books, publications, yellow-pages, note-books, and so on.