宁波-鄞州区 民营-外贸公司 50-150人
简介 职位 (2)
简介 职位 (2)
宁波恒越进出口有限公司成立于2005年,专业从事电工、电子及照明电器相关产品的研发及出口。产品涵盖开关、插座、灯座、LED照明灯、荧光灯管、电线电缆、变压器、小家电等近千种产品。 Founded in 2005, Ningbo Everrising Import & Export Co.,Ltd is a professional exporter of electronic and electrical accessories, lighting products and home appliance. We have nearly 1,000 kinds of product, such as switch, socket, lamp holder, cable, led products, wires and cables, transformers, small household appliances and etc.  经过十多年的磨砺,公司的外贸出口额一直稳步增长,与近千家国内外知名企业建立了良好合作关系,业务范围辐射全球三十多个国家和地区,在国内外市场赢得了良好的声誉和较高的知名度。 After more than a decade industry experience , our export vulume has been steadily increasing. We have established strong and long-term business relationships with dozens of manufactures and customer from more than 30 countries and regions all over the world , enjoying a good reputation in the market. 公司秉承人文关怀,形成自身独特的企业文化,对内为员工提供舒适的办公环境及优厚的福利补贴。 We adhere to humaniatic care and have formed our own unique corporate culture. We provide employees with a comfortable office environment and generous welfare subsidies. 公司福利包含:五险一金、餐补、交通补贴、高温补贴、部门活动经费、春节/三八/五一/端午/中秋等八节礼品、高于法定带薪年假、工作日享受每日下午茶、每年一次健康体检,更有公司旅游、拓展及各种培训活动等等。 The welfare subsidies include : Insurance , meal allowance , transportation allowance , high temperture allowance , department activity funds , festival gifts , annual leave that higher than the legal salary , daily afternoon tea on working days , annual physical examinatuon , company travel , expansion and various traning activies , etc. 