上海-宝山区 民营-其他 150-500人
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斯普威尔——铸造充满幸福的产品 Saipwell - Creating Products Full Of Happiness 前言Foreword 2006年,Mr.Greg在充满活力和创业氛围的中国电器之都柳镇创立了斯普威尔,以箱体的研发设计和销售为主营业务。如今,斯普威尔已成为全球柜体领域的先行者,为世界各地的客户提供更具前沿感、设计感和良好性价比的产品。16年的发展,我们走过了漫长的历程,但我们的使命始终如一,即“铸造充满幸福感的产品”。一起来探索斯普威尔吧!了解更多企业品牌背后的故事,以及我们如何致力为这个社会产生更多积极的影响。 In 2006, Mr.Greg founded Saipwell in Liushi Town - the capital of Chinese electrical appliances with a vibrant and entrepreneurial atmosphere, with the R&D design and sale of boxes as its main business. Today, Saipwell is the leader in the global enclosure market, providing customers around the world with well-designed and economical products made from cutting-edge technology. Even after 16 years, our mission remains the same - to create products that deliver happiness to everone. Let us explore Saipwell together to further understand the story behind our brand and how we aim to create more positive effects on the society. 企业简介Enterprise Profile 斯普威尔电气是赛普电气集团旗下的电气公司,是全球箱体领域的引领者。主要业务涉及电气机柜、IT机柜、成套电器和新能源产品等核心领域。自2006年成立以来,一直助力产品的提质升级,传递安全、智能和幸福的价值理念。 Saipwell Electricity is a subsidiary of Saip Electric Group and is a leader in the global enclosure market. Its main business involves the manufacturing of electrical and IT enclosures, assembly of whole electrical switchgear systems and development of enclosures for use in new energy solutions. Since our company’s inception in 2006, we have been improving and upgrading the quality of our products as we work towards our goal of delivering happiness to our customers through their use of our safe and intelligent products. 斯普威尔电气引进国外资深管理与经验丰富的专业人事,以严谨的管理、有创意的研发团队、先进的营销理念,在传统产品的基础上创造和发展了更具前沿感、设计感和良好性价比的产品。 Saipwell Electricity has been actively recruiting employees with management experience in both local and foreign companies. With this wealth of experience, creative marketing strategies and innovative R&D, we strive to create and develop more cutting-edge, cost-effective and well-designed products than their predecessors. 斯普威尔电气设有3大营销公司,分别在上海宝山、广州增城、温州瓯江口;4大生产基地,分布在浙江温州、浙江乐清、浙江丽水、山东烟台;并拥有超过100家的代理和遍布全球的销售网络。 Saipwell Electricity has 3 authorized distributors in Baoshan (Shanghai), Zengcheng (Guangzhou), Oujiangkou (Wenzhou) and a total of 4 production sites in Wenzhou (Zhejiang), Yueqing (Zhejiang), Lishui (Zhejiang), Yantai (Shandong). We also have a global sales network of more than 100 agents supporting our customers worldwide. 提供产品,更提供智慧。斯普威尔与多家国际化公司建立了良好的长期合作伙伴关系,并一如既往地坚持“合作发展,共同提高”的服务宗旨,以真诚的合作态度来***程度地满足客户的需求,助力电气行业实现可持续发展的期望,确立全球市场的领先地位。 We provide not just products, but also solutions to our customers. Saipwell has established good long-term partnerships with many international companies over the years. Together with our partners, we aim to achieve our mission of collective development and improvement by adopting a sincere attitude in meeting the needs of our customers; and in the process play a role in helping the Chinese electrical industry establish sustainable development and a leading position in the global electrical market. 品牌故事Brand Story 斯普威尔logo形似一只可爱灵动的海豚,用它的灵性与友好向世人传递着美好、快乐与幸福。 The inspiration of our logo came from the cute-looking dolphin and its spirit of friendliness and ability to bring happiness to everyone around it. 早在古希腊人们就很喜欢海豚,他们认为看到海豚在船周围的波浪中是一个好兆头。传说阿里翁曾被所乘船上的水手抢劫,被迫跳海,一只海豚被他的歌声打动,因而把他救上岸。直至今日,海豚这种大海里的精灵仍然深受全世界人民的喜爱,一直在人类文化中扮演着重要的角色。斯普威尔也有着海豚般的聪慧与友爱,在您最需要我们的时候为您提供***的支持,用我们的灵感和智慧,用最靠谱的性格,成为您最真诚的伙伴。 Since ancient Greek times, dolphins are well-loved animals and it is thought to be a good sign if one sees them in the waves or waters. Legend has it that Arion was robbed by sailors in his boat and forced to jump into the sea. Moved by his singing, a dolphin rescued him to shore. Today, dolphins, the spirits of the sea, are loved by people all over the world and play an important role in human culture. Saipwell too, with a dolphin-like intelligence and friendship will provide you with the greatest support when you need it. Using our inspiration and knowledge, we hope to become your most reliable and sincere partner. 公司愿景Enterprise Vision “创领未来箱体”。这一公司愿景恰恰反映了我们希望为世界带来积极的影响。斯普威尔拥有强大的研发设计能力,目前已拥有20余项箱体专利技术和著作版权。最新落成的温州生产基地采用柔性钣金生产线(FMS),箱体的生产实现了自动上下料、自动切割、自动冲剪、机器人折弯、机器人焊接、交互式PU发泡和理光UV彩色打印。 Creating Enclosures of the Future. This enterprise vision reflects our desire to make a positive impact on the world. Saipwell has strong R&D and design capabilities and currently has more than 20 enclosure design trademarks and technology patents. Our newly completed Wenzhou production base is fitted with an automated flexible sheet metal production line (FMS). Through automatic loading and unloading, automatic punching and cutting, robot bending, robot welding, interactive PU foaming and Ricoh UV color printing, product precision and costs efficiencies are achieved. 专注研发生产和科技投入,这是斯普威尔扎根行业发展恒久不变的基调,未来的每一步成长,我们都愿意与您共同参与,相濡以沫,携手并进。 A focus on R&D and technological investments will continue to be cornerstones of Saipwell’s development. We look forward to you participating in eve