南京-江宁区 国有-其他 50-150人
简介 职位 (6)
简介 职位 (6)
中农红太阳(南京)生物科技有限公司是由中国农药行业领先的两家上市企业——中农立华生物科技股份有限公司(SH603970)与南京红太阳股份有限公司(SZ000525)强强联合共同投资成立,由原红太阳国际贸易团队负责经营,是红太阳自营出口的***销售平台,同时也依托中农立华的品牌优势、资本实力、供应链优势、剂型及应用技术研发能力与海外自主登记投资等,和红太阳先进绿色制造产业链优势、渠道与客户资源以及核心产品竞争优势等,深度进行产品、资本、技术、渠道、品牌等资源的整合,致力于打造作物保护市场的全球供应链价值平台,成为全球农化市场的重要品牌供应商。 Sino-Agri Red Sun Bio-Technology Co., Ltd. is jointly invested and established by two leading listed agrichemical companies in China—Sino-Agri Leading Biosciences Co., Ltd. (SH603970) and Nanjing Red Sun Co., Ltd. (SZ000525). It is the exclusive export sales company for Red Sun, operated and managed by the former international sales team of Red Sun. Sino-Agri Red Sun will also consolidate brand advantage, finance capability, reliable supply chain, advanced formulation and application R&D, vertically integrated production chain, own global registration, international sales channel and customer resources and strengths from the two shareholders, commit itself to creating a value-added global supply chain platform to be an important high quality supplier in global crop protection industry. 品牌优势 - 中农立华完整继承了中农集团农药流通服务平台资源和得天独厚的品牌影响力,是中国农药流通领域的国家队。 - 南京红太阳荣获全球农化行业Agrow Awards“***供应商”和“新兴地区***企业”大奖,2019年全球农化行业中排名第13位。 Brand Strength - Sino-Agri Leading has fully inherited the resources of agrichemical circulation service platform and the strong brand image of Sino-Agri Group, and become the national brand in the China’s agrichemical circulation field. - Red Sun has been awarded by Agrow Awards as “Best Supplier” and “The Best Company from an Emerging Region”. In 2019, Red Sun ranked 13th of Top 20 globally. 供应链优势 - 通过与国内外具有核心竞争力的农药原药制造企业建立了长期稳定的合作伙伴关系,具备了行业领先的产品资源优势,构建起品种齐全、结构合理的“一站式”农药供应平台。 Supply Chain Strength - By establishing long-term and stable cooperation partnerships with domestic and foreign key agrochemical technical manufacturers, we have built up the leading product resource advantages, and provide a "one-stop" agrochemical supply platform with complete varieties of products and services. 研发优势 - 前沿的农药应用技术研发中心。中农立华联合中国农业科学院植物保护研究所共同成立了“农药剂型联合应用研发中心”,以农药产品的终端应用研究为核心,在产品配方、剂型、药效等方面开展一系列深入扎实的研发工作,与国内众多农药研发学术单位和国际领先的农药研发生产企业紧密合作,不断提升农药应用技术研发水平,为市场发展和品牌营销提供重要技术支持。 R&D Strength - Leading pesticide application technology R&D center. Sino-Agri Leading, together with institute of plant protection of Chinese Academy Agricultural Science (CAAS) co-established the “Pesticide Formulations Joint R&D Center”, focuses on R&D work in the formulation recipe research, efficacy improvement, field trials and other aspects. Through close collaboration with many domestic pesticides research institutes and international leading R&D companies, we continuously improve the R&D capability of pesticide application technology, aiming to providing technical support for business development and brand marketing. 登记&市场优势 - 成熟的海外市场渠道。原红太阳国际销售团队拥有16年的海外市场销售渠道和客户资源,覆盖全球主要农化市场比如巴西、阿根廷等100+国家和地区,对接海外自主登记资源后形成合力。 - 丰富的海外自主登记资源,而且还在持续投入。登记国家超30+,覆盖南美、中美、东南亚、非洲、东欧等主要地区,包括巴西、阿根廷等全球重要的农化市场。已经投入的登记超过400+,已取得登记准入超过200+,其中巴西已取得16项自主登记。 Registration & Market Strength - Mature overseas market channels. The former Red Sun international sales team has more than 16 years of overseas market sales channels and customer resources, covering the world's major crop protection markets such as Brazil, Argentina and others, more than 100 countries and regions. - Abundant own global registration and more registrations coming. We have invested 400+ own registrations, among which 200+ have been obtained covering South America, Central America, South East Asia, Africa, East Europe et al. Specially, in Brazil, 16 registration have been approved. 团队风采Team Activity 中农红太阳高度注重团队建设,积极打造人才培养高地。从管理制度到品牌发展,从人才引进到员工培训,从组织能力打造到企业文化建设,中农红太阳都追求完善完美、精益求精。精益管理和专业团队是公司重点打造的核心竞争力之一。 中农红太阳团队目前60余人,平均年龄31岁,本科及以上学历占比85%,其中博硕士,占比40%,化工类、植保类及语言类专业占比近70%,是一支高学历、高素质、专业化的年轻团队。 未来,中农红太阳将继续保持求贤若渴精神,广纳英才,优化团队结构,建立一支核心国际化专业团队,实现公司可持续性发展。 Sino-Agri Red Sun attaches great importance to team building. From management system to brand development, from talent recruitment to staff training, from organizational capability building to corporate culture construction, Sino-Agri Red Sun is always keeping improvement and pursuing perfection. To build up lean management and professional team is the core competence for healthy development of Sino-Agri Red Sun. Sino-Agri Red Sun has a young, well educated, diversified and professional team of more than 60 employees with an average age 31 years old. 85% of them have bachelor's degree or above, 40% of them have master's or doctor’s degree, and nearly 70% of them major in chemistry, crop protection or multi-language related. In the future, Sino-Agri Red Sun will continue to maintain the spirit of seeking talents, recruiting talents, optimizing the team structure, and establish an excellent international professional team to achieve sustainable development.