海外电气工程师(14薪) 13-25K/月
武汉-黄陂区 大专 1-3年 全职3人
英语 精通
2023-02-23 更新
五险 公积金 周末双休 带薪年假 节日福利 包吃包住 交通补贴 住房补贴 高温补贴 年终奖
【岗位职责】 1.Be responsible for interfacing with customers' electrical technical requirements, electrical cabinet and electrical layout design of the project, selection of electrical components and wires, and preparation of BOM list 1.负责对接客户电气技术需求,负责项目电气柜、电气布局设计,电气元器件、线材选型及制作BOM清单。 2.Be responsible for electrical commissioning of the project 2.负责项目的电气调试工作; 3.Responsible for the preparation of equipment operation instructions 3.负责编写设备使用操作说明书; 4.Continuously improve and upgrade the electrical design according to user feedback 4.根据用户使用反馈,不断改进升级电气设计; 5.Be responsible for archiving the electrical data of the project 5.负责项目电气资料的归档工作; 6.Responsible for program development 6.负责程序研发工作。 【岗位要求】 1.Bachelor degree or above, more than two years of independent electrical design experience, engaged in logistics sorting electrical scheme design and commissioning Fluent English, CET-6 or above preferred; 1.本科及以上学历,两年以上独立担任电气设计工作经验,从事过物流分拣电气方案设计及调试。.英语流利,英语六级或以上优先; 2.Skillfully use AutoCAD, EPLAN and other drawing software for electrical design 2.熟练使用AutoCAD、EPLAN等绘图软件进行电气设计; 3.Proficient in using Siemens PLC, S7-1200, S7-1500, 200mart 3.熟练使用西门子PLC,S7-1200、S7-1500、200mart; 4.Have experience in equipment development of various communication modes, and be proficient in ProfiNET, UDP, TCP/IP and other communication protocols 4.有多种通讯方式的设备开发经验,精通ProfiNET、UDP、 TCP/IP等通讯协议; 5.Strong sense of responsibility, hardworking, excellent interpersonal and communication skills, logical thinking ability and team organization ability 5.责任心强,吃苦耐劳,有优良的人际关系和沟通能力、逻辑思维能力和团队组织能力; 6.Good logical thinking ability and programming ability 6.有良好的逻辑思维能力,有良好的编程能力; 7.Be able to adapt to long-term business trip on project site and work requirements 7.能适应项目现场长期出差,适应工作要求。 公司标准福利: Five days and eight hours (08:30-17:30), five insurances and one fund, meal allowance, communication allowance, medical examination expense reimbursement, birthday gift, marriage gift, birth gift, high temperature allowance, overtime pay, travel allowance, etc 五天八小时(08:30-17:30)、五险一金、饭贴补助、通讯补助、体检费报销、生日礼金、结婚礼金、生育礼金、高温补贴、加班费、出差补贴等。