海外事业部机械部长 25-35K/月
武汉-黄陂区 本科 5-10年 全职3人
英语 精通
2023-02-23 更新
五险 公积金 周末双休 带薪年假 节日福利 包吃包住 交通补贴 住房补贴 高温补贴 年终奖
岗位职责: 1. To make renovation program and provide full technical solutions to meeting the needs of our customers in lithium battery or new energy industries. 1、针对锂电池新能源行业的客户需求,拟订机械设备、机械流水线方安更新改造规划,并提供完整的技术解决方案; 2. To be responsible of design, processing and installation of mechanical devices and components, after-sales technical support, and provide detailed drawings of construction and processing, and professional technical guidance. 2、负责项目工程中机械装置、部件、零件的设计、加工、实施和售后服务,为配合安装人员提供详细的施工或加工图纸及技术指导; 3. To report project progress to line manager in a timely manner. 3、及时向上级汇报项目进度状况; 4. To do with other work relevant to new production line development. 4、其它与新产品开发的相关内容。 We are looking for the candidates with work experience and capabilities below: 1. Bachelor’s degree or above of mechanical design and manufacturing, mechanical engineering or relevant. 1、教育水平:机械制造、机械工程、机械设计及相关专业本科以上学历; 2. At least have one of the software training experience, such as Pro/E, UG, Solidworks, AutoCAD, and trainings on project management. 2、培训经历: Pro/E、UG 、Solidworks、 AutoCAD中一项,项目管理等相关培训; 3. At least eight-year work experience in development, design, installation and commissioning of production line of non-standard automation assembly industry, especially in manufacturing industry of lithium battery, new energy, 3C or automobile. 3、工作经验: 8年以上非标行业设备开发、设计、安装、调试工作经验;熟悉锂电、新能源、3C,或汽车行业非标自动化装配设备的机械设计、安装和售后等。 4. Have the ability to settle mechanical problem independently, and good mechanical mapping and installation skills. Be capable of doing complete design of general mechanical assembly and component drawings with solid knowledge of mechanism design theory and Solidwork. Have the knowledge of the basic theories, structures, properties, technical parameters, installation and commissioning of the mechanical devices and equipment in common use. Have good knowledge on design standards and specification of various kinds of common mechanical components and parts, including the standards, the non-standards, the generals, and the pneumatics. Have some knowledge of various kinds of mechanical processing technology on metal cutting, cast, platemetal, welding, punching, and surface treatment. 4、技能与能力:能独立解决机械技术问题,并有较强的动手操作能力及良好的机械测绘、装配能力; 熟悉机械设计原理,熟练Solidwork,能独立完成一般的机械总装图或部件图设计;熟悉常用机械装置的基本原理、结构、性能、技术参数、安装调试方法;熟悉各种机械零件、标准件、非标件、通用件、气动元件的设计标准及规范;熟悉各种金属切削、铸造、板金、焊接、冲压、表面处理等机械加工工艺。具有扎实的机械理论基础和丰富的现场施工经验。 5. Be good at communication and a good team player with proactivity and quick thinking. Business trips are also required. 5、个性特征: 思维活跃,善于沟通,具团队合作精神,工作积极主动,能适应出差; 6. English is required to connect with our teams. 6、英语熟练,能与海外团队无障碍对接。