EE Architect(14薪) 15-28K/月
芜湖-鸠江区 本科 10年以上 全职3人
英语 熟练
2023-02-27 更新
五险 公积金 免费班车 餐补 交通补贴 绩效奖金 国企
工作职责: 1、Player in design win (RFQ) process ? 主要工作方向为新项目方案评估 2、Architect and develop state-of-the-art EE system to RFQ requirement ? 根据客户要求评估并输出有竞争力的电子系统方案 3、Identify bleeding edge technology, (component/vehicle) platform evolution, analyze gap and contribute to company technical roadmapping process ? 识别前沿技术,(器件及整车)平台技术演进,分析差距并转化为公司的技术路线图 4、Support direct communication with customer window include targeted technical promotion, roadshow, workshop and customer events in new customer development process ? 参与支持各种客户端讨论,包括方案介绍、技术推广,路演以及新客户开发中的研讨等各种事项 5、Define and acceptance review of EE platform and features development projects ? 定义和验收电子相关技术平台方案及项目开发方案 6、Build and maintain EE quote database and capability index to leverage know how, skills and best practices ? 制定并维护电子相关的方案数据库 7、Perform system integration and circuit design, prototype build, bring-up (if required) ? 根据推广和推介需要,实施系统整合、电路设计、原型机搭建等 8、Drive continuous improvement in quote accuracy, speed, cost and quality ? 持续提升方案输出的准确性、效率、成本及质量 任职资格: 1、>10 yrs of work experience in electronics engineering in automotive environment ? 10年以上电子及车载显示系统相关工作经验 2、Degree in Electrical/electronic engineering or relevant field ? 电子相关专业背景 3、Experience in hardware architecture for infotainment and digital cockpit. Design win experience is a pre. ? 车载中控、仪表等硬件开发经验,有前期方案报价经验优先 4、Track record of leading design and release of electronics for volume production products ? 有成功的设计及方案量产导入经验 5、Demonstrate excellent EE fundamentals with multi-disciplinary understanding of, mechanical engineering, software and Physics principles. ? 对机械、软件设计等有一定理解 6、Understanding of industry guideline processes applied to safety critical automotive systems (ISO 26262) ? 熟悉车载功能安全要求(ISO26262) 7、Have hands-on experience in high-speed digital and analog/mix-signal design. Knowledgeable about high speed communication protocol