ME Architect(14薪) 15-30K/月
芜湖-鸠江区 本科 10年以上 全职3人
英语 熟练
2023-02-27 更新
五险 公积金 免费班车 餐补 交通补贴 绩效奖金 国企
工作职责: ? Player in design win (RFQ) process ? 主要工作方向为新项目方案评估 ? Design and develop mechanical system (structural and A-surface) to meet system constraints on functional, cost and DFX to customer RFQ requirement ? 根据客户要求评估输出有竞争力的机构方案(结构、A面设计等),平衡各种限制,满足功能、成本、DFX等各方面需求 ? Identify prospective new material, process, finishing technology, mechanical sub-system and contribute to company technical roadmapping process ? 识别潜在的新材料、工艺、表面处理技术及其他结构系统,并转化为公司的技术路线图 ? Support direct communication with customer window include targeted technical promotion, roadshow, workshop and customer events in new customer development process ? 参与支持各种客户端讨论,包括方案介绍、技术推广,路演以及新客户开发中的研讨等各种事项 ? Define and acceptance review of mechanical system and sub-sytem platform and features development projects ? 定义和验收机构相关技术平台方案及项目开发方案 ? Build and maintain mechanical quote database and capability index to leverage know how, skills and best practices ? 制定并维护机构相关的方案数据库 ? Perform prototype build and evaluation (if required) ? 需要时,参与原型样品制定及评价 ? Drive continuous improvement in quote accuracy, speed, cost and quality ? 持续提升方案输出的准确性、效率、成本及质量 任职资格: ? >10 yrs of work experience in automotive tier 1. Design win experience with Global OEM is a pre ? 10年以上车载Tier1工作经验,有国际大型车厂项目经验优先 ? Degree in mechanical engineering or relevant field ? 机械相关专业背景 ? Hands-on experience with CATIA. ? 精通CATIC设计工具 ? Strong knowledge in design principles and analysis. Proficiency in tolerance stack calculation and design ? 精通机械原理和分析,及公差堆叠计算和设计 ? Adept knowledge on material selection (plastics, metal, composite, adhesive) ? 熟悉材料选择(塑料、金属、复合材料、粘合剂) ? Good knowledge in general material manufacturing technology include injection molding, sheet metal forming, casting, as well as techniques for secondary finishing ( laser cutting, plating, vacuum metallization, in-mould decoration, spray painting, powder coating, hot stamping, silk screen, tampo printing etc) ? 熟悉各种材料制造技术,包括注塑、钣金成型、铸造,以及二次加工技术(激光切割、电镀、真空电镀、IMD、喷涂、烤漆、热冲压、丝印移印等) ? multi-domain knowledge in, material, design, manufacturing, tooling, jig and fixture, DFX. ? 具备材料、设计、制造、工装、夹具、DFX的多领域知识 ? Good knowledge and interpretation on FEA (Static Structural- Linear/Non-linear), structural nonlinear Dynamic & CFD (thermal analysis) ? 具有良好的有限元分析(静态结构-线性/非线性)、非线性结构动力学和CFD(热力学分析)知识能力 ? 良好的沟通能力、团队合作精神,积极主动,好奇心强,乐于接受新概念 ? Good written and verbal command in English and Chinese ? 良好的中英文书写和口头表达能力 ? Willing to travel ? 能够接受出差