海外业务拓展经理(东南亚区域)(13薪) 10-15K/月
苏州-高新区 本科 1-3年 全职3人
英语 熟练
2023-04-25 更新
做五休二 周末双休 带薪年假 五险 公积金 节日福利 餐补
岗位说明: 1.制定所负责区域新开户开发,注册及销售目标和实施计划并达成目标; 2.负责海外目标国家的市场调研,前期法规评估,协助公司形成体系化的市场开发计划和产品配套方案; 3. 建立海外国家销售渠道,对市场需求进行分析、销售预测,制定销售计划,达成销售目标; 4. 负责市场各国家卫生政策,准入法规,市场动态,竞争对手等数据情报收集与分析汇报; 5.负责市场产品推广及市场活动执行,如新产品上市策划与执行; 6. 负责市场重要KOL关系建立与维护,利用KOL影响力推广产品; 7. 参与海外市场策略制定,价格制定,渠道建设,商务管理等工作; 8.参与海外展会,客户拜访及验厂等; 任职要求: 1. 本科及以上学历,两年以上医疗器械外贸相关经验,两年以上团队管理经验; 2. 熟悉进出口业务流程,熟悉外贸进出口法律条规,能适应经常出差; 3.具备优秀的组织管理能力,团队合作能力及服务意识,责任心强; 4.有开拓精神,有明确的目标,对自我有较高的要求,带领团队完成销售业绩目标; 5. 能统筹海外业务运营,比如报关和物流,产品海外注册等优先考虑。 Job Description 1.New customer development, registration and sales targets and implementation plans in the responsible area and achieve the targets. 2.Be responsible for market research and early regulatory evaluation in overseas target countries, and assist the company to form a systematic market development plan and product supporting scheme. 3.Establish overseas sales channels, analyze market demand, make sales forecasts, make sales plans and achieve sales targets. 4.Be responsible for collecting, analyzing and reporting data and information on health policies, access regulations, market trends, competitors and other countries in the market. 5.Be responsible for the promotion of market products and the implementation of market activities, such as the planning and implementation of new product launch. 6.Be responsible for the establishment and maintenance of important KOL relationships in the market, and promote products by using KOL influence. 7.Participate in overseas market strategy formulation, price formulation, channel construction and business management. 8.Participate in overseas exhibitions, customer visits and factory inspections, etc. Work requirements 1.Bachelor degree or above, more than two years experience in foreign trade of medical devices, and more than two years experience in team management. 2.Familiar with import and export business process, familiar with foreign trade import and export laws and regulations, able to adapt to frequent business trips. 3.Have excellent organizational and management skills, teamwork ability and service awareness, and a strong sense of responsibility.; 4.Pioneering spirit, clear goals, high requirements for self, leading the team to achieve sales performance targets. 5.Be able to co-ordinate overseas business operations, such as customs declaration and logistics, and overseas product registration is preferred.