海外社媒运营-双休 10-14K/月
深圳-南山区 大专 3-5年 全职3人
英语 熟练
2023-05-09 更新
五险 公积金 员工旅游 绩效奖金 定期体检 周末双休 节日福利
产品:飞利浦智能锁(全球运营中心,研发生产销售为一体) 上班时间:周末双休,8:30-18:00 工作内容: - 负责公司海外社交平台账户的建设、运营与维护,包括Instagram,Facebook,Twitter,YouTube,TikTok,LinkedIn, Pinterest等,通过社交媒体促进品牌认知,增加品牌美誉度,引起购买兴趣 - 把控品牌社交媒体整体策略与全年营销内容日历;挖掘和分析用户喜好、行业趋势、网络热点,结合公司品牌和产品策划优质创意内容,与设计创意团队成员沟通完成物料输出,与海外团队共同输出相关文案。 - 倾听用户声音,回复粉丝问题及反馈;搭建和经营海外用户社群矩阵,制造社区话题,打造社群氛围,提高粉丝活跃度; - 部分负责Facebook Ads/Tik Tok Ads等社交媒体的广告投放,以提高内容触达与粉丝关注,输出反馈基于社媒内容策略的数据分析报告; - 协助对社交媒体平台KOL的开发与联系,与KOL保持良好互动,策划执行基于社交媒体品牌帐号与KOL联动的社媒活动。 - 对各社交媒体平台数据进行整合监控分析,梳理运营流程和工作逻辑,定期输出社媒运营报告,不断优化社媒策略; 任职要求: - 本科及以上学历,有海外(美国)留学经历或者工作经历者优先; - 能够使用英文作为工作语言; - 有出海品牌社媒运营经验,熟悉海外社交媒体玩法与逻辑; - 富有创新力,对内容创意,设计审美有独到的见解; - 对消费电子/智能硬件产品有兴趣或有相关经验更佳; - 了解Facebook Ads/Tik Tok Ad/Twitter Ads等社交媒体广告投放平台操作,熟悉Hoot suite/Buffet等社交媒体管理工具,熟练使用Canva等轻型设计创意工具。 - **Overseas Social Media Operations Specialist** Job Description: - Build up and manage brand's social media profiles, including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc. Use social media to increase brand awareness and brand reputation. - Control the overall strategy of brand social media and the annual marketing content calendar; dig and analyze user preferences, industry trends, and online hotspots, plan high-quality creative content based on the company's brand and products; communicate with design creative team members to complete material output, and work with overseas teams to output related copy. - Listen to user feedback, reply to fan questions and feedback; build and manage user community, create community topics and improve fan activity; - Partly responsible for advertising on social media platforms such as Facebook Ads/Tik Tok Ads to increase content reach and followers, and output data analysis reports based on social media content strategy; - Assist in the development and contact of Influencers on social media platforms; plan and execute social media activities with social media influencers. - Integrate, monitor and analyze data from various social media platforms, sort out operational processes and workflow, and regularly output social media reports to continuously optimize social media strategies; Requirements: - Bachelor's degree or above, overseas (US) study or work experience is preferred; - Able to use English as a working language; - Have experience in brand social media operations and are familiar with social media; - Innovative, with unique insights into content creativity and design aesthetics; - Interested in consumer electronics/smart hardware products or have relevant experience is a plus; - Understand social media advertising platforms such as Facebook Ads/Tik Tok Ad/Twitter Ads, familiar with social media management tools such as Hootsuite/Buffet, and proficient in using design creative tools such as Canva.